Prelude - Part 3 - Where to Begin?

Fresh out of the boat, 0 game development knowledge, just a will to learn and some knowledge of the editor from the past failure and where to shove things inside the project assets. Using the best tool ever invented I set out to explore the infinity of unity tutorials. 

What do I have to do to get my guy moving around so I can go beat up some dudes?  Well, let's just go for some Beat Em Up Tutorials, they must give me the answer! Ended up reaching a quite insightful tutorial, it seemed to be right up the alley I wanted to go.

So from that, I learned about the different camera perspectives and how to set up an angle to emulate the beat em up feel, setting up a sprite based animation controller, felt great, made the character, hooked up the attacks, character moved around, but then something was still missing... The enemies, the thing I knew I was going to struggle with and the tutorial did not have the behavior I envisioned it to have.

I set out to use the best tool ever invented and searched for, well, AI? It was a bit too much, but I was determined.

Found a plugin that looked promising, NPBehave, an Event Based Behavior Trees System, but it required to learn the what it was, so I was set out to figure out what the hell was Behavior Trees. So I read some things here and there, until I stumbled upon this awesome blog post by Chris Simpson, developer of Project Zomboid about it, this insight with the nice documentation from NPBehave I set out my first AI prototype, had to know I could actually set it up.

This was what came out of it, was not perfect, but it actually did what I intended it to do.

Get Infinity Battle

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