Introduction to Devlog - Tiago Tavares

My name is Tiago Tavares, I'm 21 years old, just like my classmate I was born and raised in Portugal and studying at the same school.

I started playing video games at a very young age as well, started it off with some old resident evil games that I was too scared to finish at that young age. Yeah I know. 

Never really thought about making my own game, but once I started studying Computer Science the thought did pass my head and kinda stayed there, and this class of Multimedia Applications was the perfect place to get this idea working.

I went straight to college after finishing basic High School, I struggled a bit at first getting used to the new work pace and being in a field I previously had only thought of entering, but eventually I managed to catch up.

I am now on my last year, this being one of the classes I left behind so that I could do something with a little more finesse, hopefully I can finish all this year and get to work. 

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